In this post, I would like to tell a few stories about the process of development of Return of Dr. Destructo and share some views on game architecture and cross-platform development

I often use the same trick for self-motivation when working on a pet project: a file called Progress.txt, where I write daily what I have accomplished. Combined with oft-cited advice for writers, that you should add at least a line to your work every day, it does wonders. During the first, the most active period of development, I really worked on the game daily, with only a few exceptions for the holiday abroad and other things like that. Such a file makes for an interesting reading a month, or a year later. Or after the game’s release, as is the case. So, let’s scan through it together and see if there is anything interesting there. I’ll try to only pick entries that have some story behind them. Also, there will be pictures 🙂